The Mysterious Case of the Undefined Value: wagmi’s useReadContract Hook Conundrum
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The Mysterious Case of the Undefined Value: wagmi’s useReadContract Hook Conundrum

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Are you tired of staring at that pesky “undefined” value returned by wagmi’s useReadContract hook? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work? Fear not, dear developer, for you’re not alone in this struggle. In this article, we’ll embark on a thrilling adventure to uncover the root causes of this issue and provide you with clear, actionable solutions to get you back on track.

The Basics: Understanding wagmi and useReadContract

Before we dive into the mystery, let’s quickly review the basics. wagmi is a popular library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, providing a simple and intuitive API for reading and writing data to smart contracts. One of its most useful hooks is useReadContract, which allows you to read data from a deployed contract.

import { useReadContract } from '@wagmi/core';

function MyComponent() {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = useReadContract({
    address: '0x...',
    abi: [...],
    functionName: 'myFunction',

  if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  if (error) return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
  return <div>Data: {data}</div>;

The Problem: undefined Value Returns

So, what’s the issue? You’ve set up your useReadContract hook, provided the necessary parameters, and waited for the data to load. But instead of receiving the expected value, you’re greeted with an undefined value. This can be frustrating, especially when you’ve double-checked your code and contract configuration.

Cause 1: Incorrect ABI or Address

One of the most common mistakes is providing an incorrect ABI or contract address. This can happen when you copy and paste the ABI from a different source or forget to update the address after deploying a new contract.

  • Verify that your ABI is correct and matches the deployed contract. You can use tools like Truffle’s truffle-abi or Remix’s ABI generator to obtain the correct ABI.
  • Double-check the contract address and ensure it matches the one deployed on the blockchain.

Cause 2: Missing or Incorrect Function Name

Another common culprit is an incorrect or missing function name. Make sure you’re providing the correct function name and that it exists in your contract.

  • Verify that the function name you’re using exists in your contract and matches the one specified in the ABI.
  • Check that the function is correctly defined and deployed in your contract.

Cause 3: Provider Issues

Issues with your Ethereum provider can also cause the useReadContract hook to return undefined values. This might be due to provider configuration, network connectivity, or even a faulty provider implementation.

  • Verify that your provider is correctly configured and connected to the Ethereum network.
  • Try switching to a different provider, such as MetaMask or Alchemy, to rule out implementation-specific issues.

Cause 4: Chain Id or Network Issues

Sometimes, issues can arise from misconfigured chain IDs or network problems.

  • Ensure that your wagmi configuration matches the correct chain ID and network.
  • Verify that your contract is deployed on the correct network and that you’re using the correct chain ID.

Solutions and Workarounds

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s explore some solutions and workarounds to get you back on track:

Solution 1: Use the useContractRead Hook Instead

In some cases, using the useContractRead hook instead of useReadContract can resolve the issue.

import { useContractRead } from '@wagmi/core';

function MyComponent() {
  const contract = new ethers.Contract(

  const { data, error, isLoading } = useContractRead({
    functionName: 'myFunction',

  // ...

Solution 2: Use a Fallback Provider

If you’re experiencing issues with your primary provider, try using a fallback provider to see if the issue persists.

import { providers } from '@wagmi/core';

const fallbackProvider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider(

function MyComponent() {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = useReadContract({
    address: '0x...',
    abi: [...],
    functionName: 'myFunction',
    provider: fallbackProvider,

  // ...

Solution 3: Verify Contract Deployment and ABI

If you’ve double-checked your code and configuration, it’s possible that there’s an issue with your contract deployment or ABI.

  • Verify that your contract has been successfully deployed on the Ethereum network.
  • Use tools like Etherscan or Truffle to verify your contract’s ABI and ensure it matches the one used in your wagmi configuration.


And there you have it, folks! By following these troubleshooting steps and solutions, you should be able to resolve the mysterious case of the undefined value returned by wagmi’s useReadContract hook. Remember to stay vigilant, double-check your code and configuration, and don’t hesitate to seek help from the wagmi community or online resources.

Cause Solution
Incorrect ABI or Address Verify ABI and address correctness
Missing or Incorrect Function Name Verify function name correctness and existence
Provider Issues Verify provider configuration and try alternative providers
Chain Id or Network Issues Verify chain ID and network correctness
Undefined Value Returned Try useContractRead hook or fallback provider

Stay tuned for more wagmi-related articles and tutorials, and don’t forget to share your own experiences and insights in the comments below!

Happy coding, and may the blockchain be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Wagmi’s useReadContract hook returning undefined values!

Why is the value returned by the useReadContract hook undefined?

Hey there! This might happen if you’re not providing the correct contract address or ABI (Application Binary Interface) to the useReadContract hook. Double-check that you’ve got the right contract details, and that your wallet is connected to the correct network!

Is the useReadContract hook asynchronous?

Yes, my friend! The useReadContract hook is an asynchronous function, which means it returns a promise. You’ll need to use a loading state or await the promise to get the actual value. So, make sure to handle the async magic correctly!

Can I use the useReadContract hook with any Ethereum contract?

Almost! The useReadContract hook supports most Ethereum contracts, but it does require that the contract has a valid ABI. If the contract doesn’t have a publicly available ABI, you might need to create one or use a different approach. So, don’t worry, it’s not a deal-breaker, but it’s something to keep in mind!

Why does the useReadContract hook return undefined when I’m using a local development network?

When using a local development network, the useReadContract hook might return undefined if the contract hasn’t been deployed to that network. Make sure to deploy your contract to the local network or switch to a testnet/mainnet where the contract is already deployed. Easy peasy!

How can I debug the useReadContract hook when it returns undefined?

Debugging is an art! When the useReadContract hook returns undefined, try checking the contract address, ABI, and the network configuration. You can also use console logs or a debugger to inspect the hook’s internal state. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Wagmi community or a friendly developer for help!